Regenbogen Aufkleber – kreiere überall Regenbögen

Erschaffe deine eigene 🌈 Magie zu Hause mit diesen besonderen Aufklebern.

Wenn die Sonne auf dein Fenster fällt, lässt sie wunderschöne Regenbögen an deinen Wänden tanzen. Sie verändern und bewegen sich mit den Jahreszeiten, je nachdem wie sich die Sonne am Himmel dreht.

Es ist eine Freude, sie mit jedem Sonnenstrahl auftauchen zu sehen und sie an unerwarteten Orten in deinem Zimmer zu entdecken.

Hast du als Kind schon immer mit Prismen gespielt, um einen Lichtstrahl in einen kleinen Regenbogen zu zerteilen? Diese Aufkleber nutzen das gleiche Prinzip, sind aber viel praktischer und spielerischer.

Die Aufkleber sind aus spezieller Beugungsfolie gefertigt und mit 5 schönen Motiven bedruckt. Welches wirst du wählen?



Mehr Magie für zu Hause mit 10% Rabatt auf diese

Tiny Bike Adventure for your plants

Would you like to step away from your daily routine? Join us on a tiny bike adventure travelling between plants, thoughts and time. These gold brass plant decorations take you away to a different world. 

This unique set of indoor plant decorations is designed to recreate the feeling of freedom when you go exploring. While you bike through your neighbourhood you’ll spot a fence, a bench, a street lamp and a clothesline with some clothes to dry. Four tall plant stems are swaying in the soft breeze and your animal friends come to greet you too. Say hello to the pigeon, hedgehog and woodpecker as you pass by. The street sign reminds you to head to your happy place. What a lovely topic to think about every once in a while.

This pack of miniature garden decor can be used to decorate your plants both inside and outside. The elements are made of brass but have a protective coating. A beautiful patina may develop overtime but you can make it shiny again with a quick clean.

More sets available: Tiny Treehouse and Tiny Birdhouse and more decorative plant accessories for indoor and outdoor use.

Tiny Treehouse for your plants

Build your tiny treehouse while letting your mind drift to memories of past treehouse adventures. This special DIY craft is a trip down memory lane with the rewarding result of a lovely gold decoration for your houseplants.

Assemble the gold brass elements of this set to build your treehouse and hang it from a branch, we included a tiny rope ladder, so you can reach it. If you’re afraid of heights you can place it at the roots of your plant too, it’s just as cosy to stay close to the ground. Also included in the set are a little swing for daydreaming and mini creatures to keep you company. Raise your hand if you believe building treehouses should be a lifetime habit. Waking up surrounded by green, birds chirping and fresh air blowing through.

These brass garden decorations have a protective coating so they’re fit for indoor and outdoor use. They can develop a lovely patina overtime but you can polish them back to a shine if preferred.

More sets available: Tiny Camping and Tiny Birdhouse and more decorative plant accessories for indoor and outdoor use.

Mehr Magie für zu Hause mit 10% Rabatt auf diese

Tiny Bike Adventure for your plants

Would you like to step away from your daily routine? Join us on a tiny bike adventure travelling between plants, thoughts and time. These gold brass plant decorations take you away to a different world. 

This unique set of indoor plant decorations is designed to recreate the feeling of freedom when you go exploring. While you bike through your neighbourhood you’ll spot a fence, a bench, a street lamp and a clothesline with some clothes to dry. Four tall plant stems are swaying in the soft breeze and your animal friends come to greet you too. Say hello to the pigeon, hedgehog and woodpecker as you pass by. The street sign reminds you to head to your happy place. What a lovely topic to think about every once in a while.

This pack of miniature garden decor can be used to decorate your plants both inside and outside. The elements are made of brass but have a protective coating. A beautiful patina may develop overtime but you can make it shiny again with a quick clean.

More sets available: Tiny Treehouse and Tiny Birdhouse and more decorative plant accessories for indoor and outdoor use.

Tiny Treehouse for your plants

Build your tiny treehouse while letting your mind drift to memories of past treehouse adventures. This special DIY craft is a trip down memory lane with the rewarding result of a lovely gold decoration for your houseplants.

Assemble the gold brass elements of this set to build your treehouse and hang it from a branch, we included a tiny rope ladder, so you can reach it. If you’re afraid of heights you can place it at the roots of your plant too, it’s just as cosy to stay close to the ground. Also included in the set are a little swing for daydreaming and mini creatures to keep you company. Raise your hand if you believe building treehouses should be a lifetime habit. Waking up surrounded by green, birds chirping and fresh air blowing through.

These brass garden decorations have a protective coating so they’re fit for indoor and outdoor use. They can develop a lovely patina overtime but you can polish them back to a shine if preferred.

More sets available: Tiny Camping and Tiny Birdhouse and more decorative plant accessories for indoor and outdoor use.


Dein Aufkleber wird in einer glänzenden Verpackung geliefert, die sich perfekt zum Verschenken eignet, mit einer klaren Montageanleitung. Das ist ein tolles Geschenk und die beschenkte Person wird jedes Mal an dich denken, wenn die Sonne scheint und Regenbögen auf den Wänden erscheinen. Das ist wirklich ein Geschenk, das weiterhin Freude bereitet!

Wähle eines unserer 5 schönen Designs. Wenn du eines der Designs im Dropdown-Menü auswählst, kannst du genauer sehen wie das Design aussehen wird. Auf der Registerkarte “Video” findest du eine genaue Anleitung, wie du den Aufkleber am besten an deinem Fenster anbringst. Der Aufkleber hinterlässt keine Rückstände auf deinem Glas. Wenn du also vorsichtig bist, kannst du ihn sogar noch auf eine andere Scheibe kleben, wenn du deine Meinung bezüglich des Standortes doch noch änderst.

Jeder Aufkleber ist 10 x 13 cm groß und wird in einer festen Verpackung mit hübschen Metallic-Akzenten geliefert.


Zusätzliche Informationen

Volumengewicht 40 g
Größe 11 × 0,5 × 16 cm

1 Bewertung für Regenbogen Aufkleber – kreiere überall Regenbögen

  1. Deutsch

    Eleanor Clark (Verifizierter Besitzer)

    Really works! I’m in love with the rainbows that appear when it’s sunny out. I recommend this to anyone.

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